It's my turn now. I don't have an update on my research, just a comment on my t-shirt. It really is a great shirt. The first national presidential elections in Rwanda since the war were at the end of 2003. I was here at the beginnig of 2004 and saw all of the men on the street who had these shirts with Paul Kagame's face on them. I love Kagame and really wanted one but no one could tell me where to get them. They had been passing them out during the campaign but now you couldn't find a new one anywhere. Finally, the day before I left, I found them. Someone knew someone who knew someone who owned a wedding store with a small section dedicated to RPF paraphenalia. There were t-shirts and pins and flags. It was great. I've never been able to find that store again but I have my shirt. It even survived the fire. I wore it again last night and again, the kids didn't demand money. It's as if they know Kagame would be disappointed in them if they asked so they stay away when I wear the shirt with his face.
That's the latest news here. Ian and I are working on the story of Ben today. He works at Solace and will be going to an American conference on forgiveness in July. We're editing his story and creating a summary for him to present. He wants to turn it into a book later. It's an amazing story so I hope that actually happens.
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